Friday, 4 December 2015


Submission from

One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK)

We support a new, Community Initiatives Plan to allow NGO voices in Greater Christchurch to:
 be heard
 be informed
 be enabled to work together
 contribute to work done on Frameworks for Treaty-based, multicultural development where the indigenous status of tangata whenua and the role of tangata Tiriti (everyone else) are understood. 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

What do we need to do to further our recovery?

Some detail has been provided of our Sector's responses to the question: 
What do we need to do to further our recovery?
Following the presentation by researcher Dr Chrys Horn to the NGO NETWORKING PARTY (final OVTRK Forum for 2015) on 28 November 2015 Chrys has supplied a more detailed outline than was possible to present at the PARTY:

“ The following are the things that people talked about in the three workshops run as part of CERA’s research into how the Third Sector are faring 5 years on.   They are in response to the question What do we need to do to further our recovery? 

Join the 2015 voice to co-create a vision for Greater Christchurch

The partner organisations involved in the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy are seeking your help to be part of the process and ask you to gift an hour of your time to attend a brief explanation session to learn more at the Canterbury District Health Board's Design Lab. 

You are encouraged to bring a group of colleagues or friends

Use this link to make a booking to visit the Canterbury DHB Design Lab online.

Transition of CERA functions

With the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) winding up in April 2016, work is now underway to transfer recovery responsibilities to other central and local government agencies, to ensure the long-term recovery and regeneration of greater Christchurch.    

The first transition of CERA functions happens on 1 December when Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and Ministry of Health working closely with Canterbury District Health Board, will all be inheriting responsibilities from CERA.

Read more here

Monday, 9 November 2015

NGO Networking Party - 25 November, 7:30pm

Keep this date!
7.30pm Wednesday 25 November
BYO drinks and small plate

at the WEA Centre 59 Gloucester St 

UPDATE :  We are pleased to let you know that our invitation to the statutory partners involved in the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy has been accepted by Waimakariri Mayor David Ayers, Selwyn Mayor Kelvin Coe, Christchurch City Councillor Phil Clearwater and ECAN Commissioner David Caygill. We are awaiting confirmation from Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu CEO as to who will attend.

We look forward to hearing from Dr Chrys Horn, who has been researching our Sector who will join us and share some findings that have emerged as a result of the Sector workshops.  She will also share some things that perhaps the Sector can drive.
Let's enjoy each other's company and share ideas about how we can best support next steps together as a Sector. 

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Thursday, 22 October 2015

First notes and a few comments from the OVTRK forum meeting.

Some of the Results of our last OVTRK forum on 14 October with Dr Chrys Horn and Sarah Wylie and a focus on An opportunity to direct our recovery, five years on.  Any responses to please

 What would a thriving and fully recovered community sector look like?

  • There is a strong sense of identity as a sector and all recognise their shared interests.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Invitation to Direct our Recovery Five years on - a forum

Kia ora koutou

In our series of OVTRK Forums we are pleased to welcome Dr Chrys Horn and Sarah Wylie to present: 

An opportunity to direct our recovery, five years on.

Wednesday 14 October 7.30pm 
at the Fern Room in The Atrium, Hagley Avenue 

If you have special needs  of any variety and would like to attend this meeting, please get in touch with Chrys Horn (Text or ph 0272 86 86 530) to see if we can assist. 

RSVP for catering purposes to

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Update re OVTRK, CCC Resilience Assessment and CERA research on NGOs

Kia ora Koutou!
  • The OVTRK Organising Group gave feedback here on the Draft CCC Resilience Assessment report. 

We received the draft Assessment report by CCC Chief Resilience Officer Mike Gillooly very close to when feedback was due. 

There was no time to circulate to all on our OVTRK Register. 

As you can read we commented on our difficulty with that lack of time, as we have a strong commitment to being transparent. 

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Calling all clubs, community groups and NGOs in the Greater Christchurch area 
- a Short Survey with 8 questions

Kia ora koutou

Can you help?   

We are looking for 10-15 mins of your time  to tell us something of how your group or organisation is faring 5 years on from the Canterbury earthquakes.  The work is CERA funded and is being overseen by CERA, the CCC, SDC and WDC staff.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

OVTRK submission on the Transition to Regeneration Plan now ready

Our OVTRK Organising Group submission the Transition to Regeneration Plan is now ready.   

Read it here

Action Station also has a quick way to add your support to Local Led Recovery in Christchurch,
If you would like to support it please 

Click here

Remember submissions must be in by 5pm tomorrow, Thursday 30 July.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Transition to Regeneration Plan - Have Your Say!

A request to you from OVTRK to support a new "Regeneration Plan"

Kia ora tatou

Normally we send only one email a month - this extra one is because of the 30 July  deadline for submissions on the Transition to Regeneration Plan

In this 3-minute video entitled “Do You Care About Christchurch? the Transition to Regeneration Plan is given a good overview. 

Monday, 6 July 2015

CCC Long Term Plan Update

In our last OVTRK Update we referred to our submission on the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan (LTP). 

We are pleased to report that this was followed by a request to the OVTRK Organising Group (OG) for a conversation with their Community Governance Unit staff Mary Richardson and Stacey Holborough. That conversation occurred on 29 June and we will follow up. 

Christchurch Recovery Plan - have your say

Your feedback  to this is needed by Thursday 2pm 9 July 

OVTRK has been given the opportunity to make a presentation on 10 July to the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Implementation Committee (UDSIC).  

Friday, 8 May 2015

May 2015 Updates from OVTRK

A lot of changes have happened for the OVTRK Organising Group!
A key one has been the appointment of Sara Epperson to a CCC advisory role. Sara has been a highly valued member of our OG since its inception. She has also been our technical whizz.

We are very fortunate that Rosemary Neave has taken on this technical role pro bono. The tabs under the title of this blogspot have all been updated. 

OVTRK Registry Changes - working with CINCH

For some time the OVTRK Organising Group has been concerned about how we keep the information on our NGO registry up to date and accessible.
CINCH has agreed to maintain the OVTRK Register by creating a new ‘tag’ within their data base of groups.  Over the next few months CINCH will be working on updating the CINCH register so that all members of OVTRK will have the tag, and we will be able to search those CINCH people who are also OVTRK

OVTRK OG bimonthly meetings with CERA Strategy and Policy - May 2015 update

Our bimonthly meetings with CERA Strategy and Policy staff continue. 
The latest one considered the role of the Transition Advisory Board in the light of their response to our Letter well as the response of the Central City Development Unit (CCDU) to our follow up with them after the OVTRK Forum last year. 

KeepOur Assets (KOA)

KOA has sent this letter  to OVTRK and we draw this opportunity to your NGO’s attention 

The deadline for their petition is 28 May. They are not presenting that as part of the LTP process.

Submissions to Long Term Plan 2015

CCC-based NGOs have been busy with submissions on the CCC Long Term Plan. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Does your Organisation Need Some IT support?

Rosemary Neave is presently working pro bono updating the website for OVTRK. She has a small business doing Wordpress Websites and Social Media support for organisations.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Updates for the start of 2015!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already March!  In this email, we have four major updates:
  • Update from panNGO delegates
  • Update from OVTRK’s meetings with CERA
  • Notice of next forum
  • FYI: Christchurch City Council Citywide NGO/Not for Profit Sector profile
  • Call for new organising group members