Key issues highlighted by OVTRK registrants
OVTRK NGOs have been actively expressing their views to CERA, the media, and each other. We thought we'd highlight a few particular issues of interest to the wider registry. One has to do with the process that has surrounded CanCERN's work in the red zone. Another is commentary from Sustainable Otautahi Christchurch on the feasibility of the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan. We've also heard from many on our registry about the challenges related to accommodation-- and these viewpoints were recently featured in a Press article. We are doing our best to keep abreast of these issues (and others!) so that the panNGO delegates can better communicate the challenges being faced by the sector at future Community Wellbeing Planning Group forums. (Note: links to the CanCERN and SOC items were sent to NGOs on our registry).
Information from the CERA Community Wellbeing Planners Group
At recent meetings with the CERA CWPG, the panNGO delegates have been receiving updates about the residential advisory service, the winter resilience projects, and the community wellbeing programmes of works. Representatives from each of these areas briefly report back at the meetings on new developments or trends.
What we think may be of the greatest interest to the sector as this point in time is the Canterbury Wellbeing Index that is being finalised. The document isn't ready for circulation yet, but the delegates have been given the option of sharing feedback from the sector. With the help of the support panel, we will be able to make some comment. Additional information has been circulated to NGOs on our registry.
New: Information about the Psychosocial Wellbeing Committee and Plan
The panNGO delegate support panel received a request from CERA for the delegates to also participate in the Psychosocial Subcommittee. Our team believes these meetings could be useful, but there has been some concern around the capacity of our delegates to attend both. In response to invitation, the panNGO support panel answered with the following:
On behalf of the panNGO Support Panel I would like to thank you for offering our CWP delegation representation on the Psychosocial committee.
The panNGO Support Panel would like to accept the offer to provide delegates to the Psychosocial Committee. Due to the voluntary workload expectations on delegates from the NGO sector we, as a Support Panel for our NGO delegation, wish to reserve the right to determine who the delegates will be.
We will endeavour to ensure that we provide representative coverage at both the CWP and Psychosocial committee hui.
We did make the decision to send our delegates to at least the first meeting after they received the invitation. During this meeting, it was announced that the final copy of the Greater Christchurch Strategic Psychosocial Plan needed to go through consultation until 7-June. We've made the draft document available to NGOs on our registry, and would ask that you reply using the consultation form provided by CERA. If you have any further questions on this, please let us know.
LURP submission
Many thanks to the people who attended our LURP workshop. We've had excellent feedback from the facilitators and attendees alike.