We continue to highlight the value of the work you are all doing in our Sector.
All the Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) who have put themselves on the OVTRK register are doing amazing work - holding up more than half the sky!
This mailout is to draw to your attention a summary we are using in our work - see
Profiling the Third Sector - We're different - here's how!
The purpose of this summary is to assist in clarifying the value of both
- the opportunities for people in the wider community to be heard
- the consideration by government - local, regional and central - of the expertise of TSOs in contributing to strategy and policy independently and alongside government, commerce, hapū and iwi and other players.
Our goal is that the contribution of TSOs with particular, relevant expertise will be sought to bring an independent view to the table when strategy and policy is being developed.
A positive example of this approach is the lead provided by CLING (Community Languages Information Network Group) in the work on the recently released Best Practice Guidelines for communicating with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities. More information is available on the CLING website.
Please do send any feedback to OVTRK <tsovoices@gmail.com> on this summary Profiling the Third Sector - We're different - here's how!
Following our November 2020 workshops, we are continuing to connect with the Project team for the VISION and PLAN for GREATER CHRISTCHURCH 2050 in support of the Ngāi Tahu whakataukī
Mō tātou ā mō kā uri ā muri ake nei
For us and our children after us
We understand that this Vision and Plan is aligned with the work of the Greater Christchurch Partnership and expect a further update soon.