Next OVTRK Open Forum: Issues relating to CERA transitioning out in 2016
Kia whakakotahi te hoe (Let's paddle in unison)
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou me nga ahuatanga o te wa.
(Lots of greetings to everyone and all that is happening)
Hello Everyone!
There are two topics for your interests in this mailout. The next forum details have been confirmed and an accommodation survey. Please read below and ask if you have any questions...
Next OVTRK Open Forum: Issues relating to CERA transitioning out in 2016
7:30pm Monday, 10 March 2014
CWEA Centre, 59 Gloucester St
While there was insufficient time for discussion at our last OVTRK Forum, several issues were identified there that relate to the process of CERA "transitioning" out in 2016. This process is the topic for this Forum on 10th March 2014.
We invited all the statutory partners named in the CERA Act to join us. All responded positively. The following people will be attending :
- Arihia Bennett, Chief Executive Officer, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu
- Lianne Dalziel, Mayor, Christchurch City Council
- David Ayers, Mayor, Waimakariri District Council
- Kelvin Coe, Mayor, Selwyn District Council
- Dame Margaret Bazely, Commissioners Chair, Environment Canterbury
- Roger Sutton and Michelle Mitchell, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority
The key issues identified from the last Forum were:
• How CCC and the government will continue to relate beyond 2016, given that there is an agreement about cost sharing between them – not only about the central city rebuild, but also about ongoing work on horizontal infrastructure
• How the five statutory partners, named in the CER Act, will continue to relate to one another, ECAN and the TLAs beyond 2016
• Who will undertake the monitoring of the recovery beyond 2016
• What will be the future use of the residential red zone
• The challenge of 2014 being a government election year
• How recognition of Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu's statutory role in the recovery under the CER Act will be continued into the future beyond 2016
We are most interested to learn from the statutory partners about how the issues identified above will be followed through. The interest, passion, expertise and willingness to contribute amongst NGOs were clearly demonstrated at the last Forum.
Forum format:
1) Introduction.
2) The NGO Sector. In order to showcase the extent of the sector, 4 x 2-minute speakers, each from NGOs will highlight one of the 4 well-beings. Those 4 well-beings are a legal imperative in the CERA Act.
We want to indicate the breath and depth, and to cover as many diverse aspects as possible. We considered size; social service as well as other NGOs; established as well as new; advocacy as well as project-based, service provision; different legal and governance models, funding models, those with paid workers and those without; etc. So besides the different sectors we hope to indicate the spectrum of types of NGO.
The following 4 NGO representatives (for each of the 4 well-beings in CERA Act) have kindly accepted the invitation to speak...
- Jane Quigley, VIVA (environmental) – small interest-based, non-social service NGO, no paid staff, no national body corporate
- Tim Weir, DELTA (economic) – medium locality-based social service providing NGO – several staff
- Dallas Hibbs, He Waka Tapu – (social) – large kaupapa Maori NGO
- Surinder Tandon, Christchurch Multicultural Council – (cultural) – small identity-based NGO with a national body corporate.
3) Statutory Partners. We will have 5 minutes from the each of 5 statutory partners on the panel responding to anything they wish to contribute from the list of questions posed in the invitation.
4) Questions and Answers. The Forum will then be opened for questions to the panel from people involved in an NGO. Suggestions from OVTRK network can be written to OVTRK before - and following - the Forum as well.......
5) Closing Address.
OVTRK Accommodation Survey of NGOs:
There have been many conversations around where NGOs have come from since the earthquake and where they are going in terms of accommodation needs. It would be useful for all of us in the sector and for planners and funders to have an idea about how this all adds up, and what it could mean for our sector.
The pan-NGO support panel has prepared a survey that is as open as possible to best capture your experience and your organisation’s accommodation needs. You can decide how the information you provide will be used. Please take ten minutes to complete this survey on behalf of your NGO.
The link is:
(Please note that this survey is about an organisation’s own needs, not those of its clients.)
An Introduction to OVTRK is available if you know other groups who might wish to put themselves on the Register.
We would like to invite all of you to gather and address the transition factors identified above at our next Forum. OVTRK organisations will then be better informed to follow through our ongoing engagement with CERA.
See you on 10th March!
Noho ora mai koe (take care)
The OVTRK Team
PS: Remember you can find the update from the panNGO delegates and upcoming events on the left-hand panel of this message. Let us know if there is anything else we should add!
Again this Forum is intended to provide an opportunity for NGOs to inform each other and
encourage us all to plan any next steps for OVTRK <>.