Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Greater Christchurch Workshop for Third Sector Voices


KEEP THIS DATE – Thursday 26 November 12.30 lunch 1-3pm

Workshop for *Third Sector voices
and the

*not-for-profit/ NGO/ voluntary/community-initiated…... organisations
see One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK)

Mō tātou ā mō kā uri ā muri ake nei   For us and our children after us    
Ngāi Tahu whakataukī

The Greater Christchurch Partnership (GCP) is working together on a new vision and plan for Greater Christchurch which is focused on ensuring intergenerational wellbeing.
Come to a workshop to help shape the vision and plan.
We’ll be considering the feedback from the community surveys and conversations.
Date + Time:
Thursday 26 November
12.30pm – lunch
1-3pm – workshop
Venue: Oxford Terrace Baptist Church
For catering purposes: RSVP to

Read these news articles: John McCrone; Arihia Bennett
If you want a head start, people in the community are contributing in a couple of ways:

  • An online survey for individuals, which can be found here.
  • A toolkit to support community and special interest groups to hold their own conversations which can be found here.
  • Waka Toa Ora is also having a seminar on Thursday 22 October 2020 12.30-2pm at Tūranga
The results of these responses from the community will feed into a series of workshops in November / December to begin to build the draft vision and plan for Greater Christchurch 2050. The Third Sector workshop on 26 November is part of that series.
OVTRK upholds all four wellbeings - environmental, social, economic and cultural wellbeing, where the indigenous status of tangata whenua and the role of tangata Tiriti - i.e. everyone else - is understood. Consistent with the Local Government Act, the GCP has always used the four-wellbeings framework to provide context and direction for its work. Here is our opportunity to make the links!
The workshop series will culminate in a final Leadership workshop in early December, where representatives from across all sectors, including the third sector, will join with GCP elected members to bring together the outcome of all the workshops and the community engagement and provide direction for the project team to finalise a draft vision and begin the detailed work on the plan, which will occur in the first half of 2021.
Greater Christchurch is the area of Christchurch city and nearby areas within the Selwyn and Waimakariri districts, from Rolleston to Rangiora.
The Greater Christchurch Partnership (GCP) has existed since 2007 and brings together Christchurch City, Waimakariri and Selwyn District Councils, Environment Canterbury, Ngāi Tahu, Canterbury District Health Board and representatives of central government.
The Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy, produced in 2007 and updated in 2016 has provided strong collective guidance to the Partnership agencies, and was a critical foundation to enable rapid coordinated response following the earthquakes to free up land in response to the housing crisis.
Note: The earlier iteration of the GCP was referred to as the Urban Development Strategy (UDS).