Monday, 8 June 2020

Update 8 June 2020

As we move forward from lockdown here are a few things that are of likely relevance to Canterbury's third sector organisations (TSOs).

1. Online survey about how COVID-19 has impacted TSOs around Aotearoa

The survey hopes "to shine a light on the community sector’s collective contribution to community wellbeing, to take stock of what is needed, and to shape our future."

Canterbury-specific results will be available from this survey

Survey prepared by Hui E! Community Aotearoa, Volunteering New Zealand, the Centre for Social Impact, and Philanthropy New Zealand

To complete the survey:

Responses close 5pm on Friday 12 June.

2. Online survey about how COVID-19 has impacted TSOs in Canterbury

Survey prepared by SEWN

SEWN can use the information to provide feedback and advocate on behalf of the sector, and determine what additional supports might be needed.

To complete the survey:

The survey deadline is now Friday 12 June.

3. Christchurch Otautahi Draft Annual Plan

The Draft Annual Plan will soon be open for consultation. The proposed Plan may have impact on TSO resourcing.

Draft Annual Plan here

CCC news with summary of info proposed in Draft Annual Plan.

Open for consultation 12 - 29 June

4. SEWN is hosting an online discussion about the future funding needs of the sector

1-2pm on Tuesday 23 June

Register via this link

5. New Zealand Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit

The Summit had been planned to take place in Christchurch in 2021; however, as the world has changed substantially since that plan was made there will be a series of online and face to face events rather than one event. Read more here.

To be put on the list for contact or for more information, contact Matt Morris, Sustainability Advisor, University of Canterbury