Sunday, 20 December 2020

Feedback from the Greater Christchurch 2050 workshop


16 December 2020 Feedback

from the 16 November workshop for Third Sector Voices on the


Mō tātou ā mō kā uri ā muri ake nei   For us and our children after us    
Ngāi Tahu whakataukī

One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK) has received this message from Anna Elphick, Greater Christchurch 2050 - Strategic Framework Lead

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the One Voice Te Reo Kotahi Greater Christchurch 2050 workshop. As you can see from the verbatim output the conversation was rich with some clear themes. The Greater Christchurch 2050 will be translating this workshop output into a specific paper for the Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee and are using this output as an input into the development of the strategic outcomes, measures and plan. The Greater Christchurch 2050 team will work with One Voice te Reo Kotahi and the wider third-sector in the New Year to progress this work.

OVTRK is keen to hear your comments and to further the collaboration at the 26 November 2020 workshop. Our first meeting is on 28 January 2021 at ECan.

Contact email:

TSOs - Third Sector Organisations - are  not-for-profit/ NGO/ voluntary/community-initiated…... organisations

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Greater Christchurch Workshop for Third Sector Voices


KEEP THIS DATE – Thursday 26 November 12.30 lunch 1-3pm

Workshop for *Third Sector voices
and the

*not-for-profit/ NGO/ voluntary/community-initiated…... organisations
see One Voice Te Reo Kotahi (OVTRK)

Mō tātou ā mō kā uri ā muri ake nei   For us and our children after us    
Ngāi Tahu whakataukī

The Greater Christchurch Partnership (GCP) is working together on a new vision and plan for Greater Christchurch which is focused on ensuring intergenerational wellbeing.
Come to a workshop to help shape the vision and plan.
We’ll be considering the feedback from the community surveys and conversations.
Date + Time:
Thursday 26 November
12.30pm – lunch
1-3pm – workshop
Venue: Oxford Terrace Baptist Church
For catering purposes: RSVP to

Read these news articles: John McCrone; Arihia Bennett
If you want a head start, people in the community are contributing in a couple of ways:

  • An online survey for individuals, which can be found here.
  • A toolkit to support community and special interest groups to hold their own conversations which can be found here.
  • Waka Toa Ora is also having a seminar on Thursday 22 October 2020 12.30-2pm at Tūranga
The results of these responses from the community will feed into a series of workshops in November / December to begin to build the draft vision and plan for Greater Christchurch 2050. The Third Sector workshop on 26 November is part of that series.
OVTRK upholds all four wellbeings - environmental, social, economic and cultural wellbeing, where the indigenous status of tangata whenua and the role of tangata Tiriti - i.e. everyone else - is understood. Consistent with the Local Government Act, the GCP has always used the four-wellbeings framework to provide context and direction for its work. Here is our opportunity to make the links!
The workshop series will culminate in a final Leadership workshop in early December, where representatives from across all sectors, including the third sector, will join with GCP elected members to bring together the outcome of all the workshops and the community engagement and provide direction for the project team to finalise a draft vision and begin the detailed work on the plan, which will occur in the first half of 2021.
Greater Christchurch is the area of Christchurch city and nearby areas within the Selwyn and Waimakariri districts, from Rolleston to Rangiora.
The Greater Christchurch Partnership (GCP) has existed since 2007 and brings together Christchurch City, Waimakariri and Selwyn District Councils, Environment Canterbury, Ngāi Tahu, Canterbury District Health Board and representatives of central government.
The Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy, produced in 2007 and updated in 2016 has provided strong collective guidance to the Partnership agencies, and was a critical foundation to enable rapid coordinated response following the earthquakes to free up land in response to the housing crisis.
Note: The earlier iteration of the GCP was referred to as the Urban Development Strategy (UDS).

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Communications with CALD communities over lockdown - insights from CLING

Throughout Alert Levels 4, 3 and 2, Community Languages Information Network Group (CLING) collated COVID-19 information produced for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities on a weekly basis.

Here is the link to CLING's observations and recommendations about communicating with CALD communities during disaster - and normalcy.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Update 8 June 2020

As we move forward from lockdown here are a few things that are of likely relevance to Canterbury's third sector organisations (TSOs).

1. Online survey about how COVID-19 has impacted TSOs around Aotearoa

The survey hopes "to shine a light on the community sector’s collective contribution to community wellbeing, to take stock of what is needed, and to shape our future."

Canterbury-specific results will be available from this survey

Survey prepared by Hui E! Community Aotearoa, Volunteering New Zealand, the Centre for Social Impact, and Philanthropy New Zealand

To complete the survey:

Responses close 5pm on Friday 12 June.

2. Online survey about how COVID-19 has impacted TSOs in Canterbury

Survey prepared by SEWN

SEWN can use the information to provide feedback and advocate on behalf of the sector, and determine what additional supports might be needed.

To complete the survey:

The survey deadline is now Friday 12 June.

3. Christchurch Otautahi Draft Annual Plan

The Draft Annual Plan will soon be open for consultation. The proposed Plan may have impact on TSO resourcing.

Draft Annual Plan here

CCC news with summary of info proposed in Draft Annual Plan.

Open for consultation 12 - 29 June

4. SEWN is hosting an online discussion about the future funding needs of the sector

1-2pm on Tuesday 23 June

Register via this link

5. New Zealand Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit

The Summit had been planned to take place in Christchurch in 2021; however, as the world has changed substantially since that plan was made there will be a series of online and face to face events rather than one event. Read more here.

To be put on the list for contact or for more information, contact Matt Morris, Sustainability Advisor, University of Canterbury

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Report from OVTRK Forum with Hon P Williams 4 Nov 2019

OVTRK FORUM with Hon. Poto Williams - Minister for our Sector
who was invited on 4 November 2019 to address the question:
How can we treasure our Third Sector stories as measurements of wellbeing?

The One Voice Te Reo Kotahi kaupapa was supported by Shane Te Aika leading us in a mihi whakatau to open the Forum.
The topic for the evening:
Seeing the Unseen in our Sector
Building Respect and Recognition for Third Sector Organisations
was introduced with reference to the way the wider community is supported by the statutory, commercial and Third sectors with:
            ▪ provision of services
            ▪ project work
            ▪ development of strategies and policies
It is therefore confusing to refer to our Third sector as the “community” sector.
All three sectors (the legs of the stool) support the people with lived experiences
(depicted by the seat of the stool).
Without attention to these matters, respect and recognition for Third Sector Organisations, seeing the unseen in our Sector, telling our Third Sector stories in relation to achieving greater wellbeing and demonstrating how our contribution can be measured, is diminished.
OVTRK focuses on strategy and policy for our Sector and asks that when the government (local, regional and nationwide) is developing strategy and policy they involve not only mana whenua and the commercial sector but also the relevant Third Sector Organisations along with people with the lived experiences of whatever is being decided about.

Following our 1 April Forum on Decision-Making for the Wellbeing Budget and the understanding that our Third Sector contributes to all four well-beings - environmental, cultural, economic and social – this Forum was to develop ideas for strategies and policies that will get better recognition and resourcing for our contributions including our mahi in assessing wellbeing. The questions raised about the nature of the data to be collected for such assessment at that April Forum have remained with us.

Hon. Poto Williams - Minister for our Sector was therefore invited to address the question:
How can we treasure our Third Sector stories as measurements of wellbeing?
In particular we need to address how we tell our Third Sector stories in relation to achieving greater wellbeing and how those contributions can be measured?

The Minister spoke about her role in writing the current government’s policy for our Sector in the light of the need for governments to be able to trust the Third sector.
Her notes prepared for the evening are here:

She referred to her appreciation of how grass roots groups determine what is in their own best interests and how the Third sector is of equal importance to the government sector. She noted that this government’s reviews of the Public Finance Act and the State Services Act will enable government to be more responsive to Third sector initiatives.
As Minister she is prioritising support for volunteering as she believes volunteers gain wellbeing from volunteering and that this focus will advantage Third Sector Organisations. The Minister also highlighted the limitations of the current data being collected not capturing the depth of the contribution and value of the Third Sector, which goes beyond mere statistics. We noted earlier reports highlighting this evidence from our Sector which demonstrate the extent of our mahi - Mahi Aroha and the Time Use Survey Report Around the Clock. We are pleased to learn that the Minister’s Office has let us know that that these have been obtained.

In acknowledging the Minister’s focus we trust that the extent of the contributions from, and the range of motivations for involvement in, our Sector will be expanded beyond this current focus. We look forward to further updates so that the questions we posed to the Minister for this Forum can be followed through.