Saturday, 2 December 2017

OVTRK Update December 2017

Following the election the OVTRK Organising Group and the Greater Christchurch Partnership (GCP) committee have now finalised our Working Agreement.
This is part of the OVTRK commitment to creating meaningful communication conduits for Third Sector voices so that they shall be heard in deliberations on Strategy and Policy in Greater Christchurch.
The recent OVTRK Matariki Forum presentations from Helen Leahy on Whanau Ora framework and from people in TSOs on environmental, social, cultural and economic well-beings, and links between them, have been most useful.
Commitment to an ecological Tiriti o Waitangi-based multicultural future remains our guiding framework.
During the next two weeks we hope to have more to share - watch this space!
Collating resources on Valuing TSOs is continuing - particularly in conversation with Dr Suzanne Vallance, whose generosity we really appreciate.
Sue's proposed research draws upon literature from systems thinking, social capital, community development and collaborative governance to identify, evaluate and facilitate the development of 'soft infrastructure' that enables different ways of ‘working together’. Innovative examples of working together include brokers, working groups, charters, MoUs, programmes and bespoke governance bodies.
Feedback from TSOs about the interface between Social Enterprise and the Third Sector as well as about citizenship and Treaty-based development all raises further points for discussion!
We continue to promote the need for independent and affordable shared spaces for Third Sector organisations around Greater Christchurch – including in the central city. The EnviroHub has almost completed its scoping report
     - see the Sector Report & Actions
which has been updated today!
Do remember we love your feedback to help shine light on the broad Third Sector - making connections for us and our children after us! Do encourage TSOs large and small to make us all visible on the Registry embracing interdependence and maximum autonomy for each of our organisations and those involved in them.
NOTE: We have been asked to pass on to you that the Long Term Plans for ECan and for the CCC are open for submission and that the feedback received on the draft concept for Cathedral Square and surrounding areas can now be viewed at : .