Thursday, 11 August 2016

7 July Sector Forum and OVTRK August Update

This Forum Celebrating Matariki and the Voices of the Third Sector was convened by OVTRK to obtain feedback, from the city’s Third Sector (Not-for-Profit / Non-Government) Organisations (TSOs), on the 2015 research and consequent report by Dr Chrys Horn, Sarah Wylie, and Jane Mountier. The report was commissioned by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA).

Approximately forty individual community leaders, from in excess of 50 organisations attended and participated in group discussions and a plenary session. These were structured around the four major well-being topic categories: social, economic, cultural, and environmental. The Forum focused primarily on the “Priority Actions” (as outlined on pages 29 and 30 of the published report).