Friday, 27 June 2014

reminder for upcoming forum

Quick reminder to everyone about our forum next week with CERA CEO Roger Sutton on Thursday 3 July at 7:30pm in the Oak Room at The Atrium (Netball Centre) on Hagley Ave.

Here's the news for you we have in this update:
  • July Forum Reminder
  • Announcement from the Register

July Forum Reminder
As we hope you already know, the next OVTRK forum will be with CERA CEO Roger Sutton. The forum will discuss how NGOs, and the communities we work within, can become meaningfully involved in the rebuild (with special reference to the central city and the residential red zone).
     Date and Time: Thursday 3rd July, 7.15pm for refreshments, 7.30pm start

     Location: Oak Room at The Atrium (Netball Centre, Hagley Avenue).