Monday, 6 January 2014

happy new year + panel confirmed for next forum

Welcome back!

At the end of last year, we asked you to save the date for our first forum of 2014.  We now have more details available, including the statutory partners who will be attending.

Next OVTRK Open Forum: Issues relating to CERA transitioning out in 2016
7.30pm Monday 10 March 2014
WEA Centre 59 Gloucester St 

While there was insufficient time for discussion at our last OVTRK Forum, several issues were identified there that relate to the process of CERA "transitioning" out in 2016. This process is the topic for this Forum on 10 March 2014.

We invited all the statutory partners named in the CERA Act to join us. All responded positively. The following people will be attending :

- Arihia Bennett, Chief Executive Officer, Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu  
- Lianne Dalziel, Mayor, Christchurch City Council
- David Ayers, Mayor, Waimakariri District Council 
- Kelvin Coe, Mayor, Selwyn District Council 
- Dame Margaret Bazely, Commissioners Chair, Environment Canterbury
- Roger Sutton and Michelle Mitchell, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority 

The key issues identified from the last Forum were:
• How CCC and the government will continue to relate beyond 2016, given that there is an agreement about cost sharing between them – not only about the central city rebuild, but also about ongoing work on horizontal infrastructure
• How the five statutory partners, named in the CER Act, will continue to relate to one another, ECAN and the TLAs beyond 2016
• Who will undertake the monitoring of the recovery beyond 2016
• What will be the future use of the residential red zone
• The challenge of 2014 being a government election year
• How recognition of Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu's statutory role in the recovery under the CER Act will be continued into the future beyond 2016

We are most interested to learn from the statutory partners about how the issues identified above will be followed through.  The interest, passion, expertise and willingness to contribute amongst NGOs were clearly demonstrated at the last Forum.

An Introduction to OVTRK is available if you know other groups who might wish to put themselves on the Register.

We would like to invite all of you to gather and address the transition factors identified above at our next Forum.  OVTRK organisations will then be better informed to follow through our ongoing engagement with CERA.  See you on 10 March!

Kind regards,
The OVTRK Team