Wednesday 16 March 2016

Getting it Together - The Third Sector in Post-Recovery Christchurch

This Report is due is the next few weeks

In order to get an update on the NGO research presented at the NGO NETWORKING PARTY on 25 November 2015 we approached Claire Phillips at the Christchurch City Council. We were referred to Claire following our most recent meeting with CERA as CERA has now passed the responsibility to finalise the Report to CCC.

Here is a summary of Claire's response of 9 March:

Many thanks for your email and interest in the NGO report GETTING IT TOGETHER; THIRD SECTOR IN POST-RECOVERY CHRISTCHURCH and its future use. The report is nearing completion and we are now awaiting final editing and design (with the approval of the author- Dr Chrys Horn) and copies will be sent in the first instance to the research participants via e copy and by mail. The Council's role in this body of work is to ensure the report is completed, printed and distributed, however we are also really keen to use it as a guide for the work we do alongside community and work with the recommendations in partnership.It will be a very useful tool and discussion document that will belong to the community and we look forward to supporting the sector in whatever way we can to ensure the research has the greatest impact.

We are expecting the final report to be available in the next few weeks.